Friday, January 8, 2016

Hello everyone and welcome

I'm Leanne and I’m twenty years old. I’m science student living in Dublin. I have a wonderful boyfriend, fantastic friends and two doggies that I have an unnatural obsession with. 

I’ve wanted to start a blog for a while now but have always found a reason not to. I don’t want to be confined to a particular category nor do I think I have the attention span to commit to uniform posts.   Like everyone, I get excited by a particular idea or hobbie, then a few months later I forget all about it. However, I am jumping on the idea of ‘new year, new me’ lark. It’s now or never, right? 

In this blog, I will be talking about my interests; beauty, fashion, lifestyle and general jibber jabber. I’m really interested in beauty (particularly makeup), and although I’m in no way an expert, I’m pretty alright at it. I even had a semi-successful (and looking back now, rather cringe-worthy) YouTube channel back in the day! 

I adore fashion. For me, fashion is all about comfort and wearing pieces of clothing that make you feel confident. Fashion is a form of self-expression. One can almost always predict my mood depending on what I’m wearing (take it from the girl who wore a My Chemical Romance hoodie on Christmas day!). 

I’ve had acne for as long as I can remember and still have to work hard to keep it under control. I’ve been on every type of pill (besides accutane) and have exhausted so many skincare routines. I think I’ve finally found what works for me (fingers crossed) and want to help anyone suffering from skin troubles reach clearer skin faster. Working in a pharmacy I feel like I have a bit of extra knowledge to go around!

This year, it is a goal of mine to get physically fitter. I'm an avid yogi who eats well but if you get me to run thirty seconds for a bus I’m sweating. Join me (and laugh at me) in my fitness journey. 

I also want to touch on my organisational tips and tricks and just lifestyle in general. 

If anyone has any suggestions, comments or constructive criticism please let me know. Also if anyone else has a blog please leave a comment because I’d love to check it out!


Leanne xo